1. Age?
22 years old?
2. Home/residence?
London, Ontario – Los Angeles, Californie.
3. When/how did you start skating?
I was about 16 years old, still in highschool. I had tried skating before a couple times but only because I just played every sport. It wasn’t until 10th grade that it clicked to me how much I really enjoyed skating.
4. What do you like most about skateboarding?
Skating is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. It’s hard to pinpoint what I like most because there are so many beautiful aspects. What I like most about skateboarding is getting to be a skater. I love everything that comes along with it, friends, community, traveling, food, spots, slams. The skate life is what I love, and everyone who lives it with me.
5. Favorite trick(s)?
Kickflip, Fakie Flip, fakie Fs Flip, Halfcab Heel, BackHeel, Back Disaster Revert.
6. Goals?
My goal is to be happy and healthy forever. To follow all of my dreams and to at least know I never gave up.
7. Skater(s) that influence or inspire you or favorite skater?
Dane Burman, he pushes me more than anyone and he is my favorite skater. The late, the great
Vincent Nava, Steve Ban, Orlando Garcia et les membres de la famille
10C41 family. They inspire me.
8. Something that makes you proud?
Seeing my friends push through fears and come out as winners.
9. Any advice to other young skater girls?
Do what you love, and don’t be afraid of the boys!! You are tough, you are worthy, you matter.
10. Other interests or anything else we should know about you?
Yeah! I make clothes. I spend a lot of time sewing. I make mostly denim fabric designs right now, but eventually I want to branch out. I also love music so much, from Joy Division, Ramones, Cherry Glazerr to Baby Smoove, Moula 1st, Kodak. I play guitar, and I’m interested in poetry.