Project 666: behind the scenes of a complicated operation
November 24, 2020 / By nicolas

Jean-Michel did not skimp on the preparation. He studied the shot, he bought the necessary equipment and he started discussions with Bertrand more than three months before the jump.
“The same evening, around 5pm, we were having a meeting at the bottom of the Cité de l’Énergie and I told Bertrand that we had maybe a 25% chance of success… and there were 3 of us filming. There was a good chance that we would arrive, that we would take our respective places and that the moon wouldn’t be in the right place at the right time, explains Jean-Michel. There were really a lot of variables that made it possible for us to miss that shot and I knew that from the start.”

Jean-Michel and Bertrand
Credit : Jérémie Perreault
Except that Bertrand had done his homework. A real BASE JUMP geek, “Papa oiseau” is used to calculating countless factors before launching himself from huge structures.
“Bertrand had good information about where to position us and Jay (our social networking specialist) had installed the Skyview application on my phone so I could see where the moon was going to be at what time. We positioned ourselves accordingly.”

The ”Cité de l’énergie” of Shawinigan
Credit : Jérémie Perreault
Except that what had to happen happened. On the first attempt, the moon was faster than everyone.
“The moon passed so fast that by the time Bertrand got into position, the moon had already passed behind. We were equipped with big cameras, so I had to run to get back in position… and we were close to the railway track, so we had to make sure that the train wasn’t going to pass.”
After a few unsuccessful attempts, the stars aligned. Or rather the moon aligned with the Cité de l’Énergie… it was the moment or never.
“At a certain point, my friend Michel-Pierre Bélanger, who was also filming, shouted at me to join him because he had a perfect view. I ran into his direction, I set my camera (Sony FX9, with a 300mm lens 2.8 with doubler for the geeks), I grabbed my phone, I called Bertrand and I shouted Ok, 3, 2, 1… and boom, he jumped directly in front of the moon. The perfect shot.”

Bertrand Cloutier in front of the moon
Credit : Jérémie Perreault