
All You Need To Know About the Bouldering Comps at JACKALOPE Montreal

September 4, 2024 / By addison

In collaboration with Allez Up and presented by Arc’teryx, we are thrilled to present the 2024  edition of the bouldering competition at JACKALOPE Montreal! Following the excitement generated by our festivals in Virginia Beach and Mississauga, we  can’t wait to bring JACKALOPE back home to Montreal! Climbers and spectators can expect  an extraordinary show.


Scramble Comp

This year, JACKALOPE Montreal offers an open bouldering competition! Following a  scramble format, climbers will compete on 25 boulder problems. There will be two distinct  categories:

RECREATIONAL: for beginner and intermediate climbers – yellow to red – V0 to V7. • OPEN: for expert climbers – red to white – V8 and above.

When registering, climbers will be able to choose their category and the qualification round  they wish to participate in. To kick off the weekend, the first round will take place on Friday,  September 13, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Two additional rounds will follow on Saturday,  September 14, from 12:45 PM to 3:15 PM and from 3:15 PM to 5:45 PM, respectively.

Afterward, the top 12 climbers (6 men and 6 women) in the Open category will have the  chance to compete in a rush-format final. In this round, athletes will be divided into two  groups of three. A prize pool of $10,000 will be shared among the top 3 men and top 3  women.

Speed (Knock Out – Tournament style)

This year, JACKALOPE will also introduce a speed bouldering competition, where climbers  will race side by side on identical boulders. Similar to traditional speed competitions, the  format will work like a tournament where athletes knock each other out by trying to be the  fastest to climb the problem. As with the scramble, the speed competition will be open to all,  with moderately difficult problems (~V4 or blue tape). The women’s qualifications will take  place on Sunday, September 15, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, followed by the men’s  qualifications from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Winners will receive Arc’teryx  prizes!

Arc’teryx Initiation Wall

In addition to the thrilling competitions, we are excited to introduce an introductory  bouldering wall, offering all visitors the chance to discover and try bouldering! Presented by Arc’teryx, this wall will be open throughout the festival. Whether you’re an experienced  climber or a beginner, the Introductory Wall offers a variety of problems suited to all levels.



With the clock ticking down ever so closely until September, we can’t wait to see what surprises this year has in store. If you have any more questions or want to join the volunteer crew for the comp, be sure to refer to the Allez Up website. See you on the wall!